Bagged Trees Planting Guide for Perth

Please note that this is intended as general information only. Please ask one of our qualified horticulturist for more specific advice for your situation.

Note: this guide is for planting outbagged trees. In case you need it, we have a separateBare-rooted Tree Planting Guide.

Soil Improvement

As the soil in Perth is very sandy and nutrient deficient, soil improver must be added when planting new trees. You may also need to add clay to improve water retention or gypsum to improve drainage. Ask about the best options for your garden when you select your tree and follow our planting guide to give your tree every chance of success.

Planting Steps

  1. Dig a hole approx. twice the depth and width of the existing bag. Mix the sand that you have dug out with soil improver, compost or manure. This is most easily done in a wheel barrow.
  2. If your soil is very sandy, mix 1/2 sand and 1/2 soil improver. Adding clay (such as Soil Solver) will improve water retention around the roots.
  3. For heavier gravely soils, mix 2/3 existing soil with 1/3 soil improver. Place some of this mixture back in your planting hole so that the trunk of your tree sits at the same level that it did in its bag.
  4. Place the bag in the newly dug hole. Cut away the bag and carefully pull it out from under the tree. Be very careful not to damage the roots when removing the bag. Try to cause as little disturbance to the root system as possible.DO NOT try to pull the tree out of the bag or cut away the bag then lift or carry the tree to the hole – this will damage the trees delicate new roots.
  1. Once your tree is in place, have your hose gently trickling into the hole. Use the improved soil mixture to back fill around your tree. Think mud pies! You want a nice thick muddy mixture around the tree. This gives the tree a really deep watering to start with and it gets rid of any air pockets around the roots.
  2. Create a shallow basin round the trunk of your tree to hold water. This is particularly important in heavier soils (such as the hills) where water may take more time to penetrate into the soil.
  3. Mulch. Often a step that people forget but a very important one. Our favourite mulch is Lupin as it retains moisture really well but readily lets water penetrate into the soil – it’s also quite a nutrient rich mulch.
  4. Give your tree another water with some diluted Seasol – this will encourage new root growth and help the tree deal with stress.


How often you water depends on the type of tree, the soil, its location, and the weather. Generally, a good DEEP water (a 9L bucket) once every 2-3 days during warmer weather while establishing should be enough. If you have a new tree and are unsure of a watering schedule, it is a good idea to have a bit of a dig next to the tree, check the moisture of the soil and see how long it takes to get dry.

Deep watering encourages the development of strong anchoring roots and healthy trees.

HELPFUL HINT - Watering every day, even in hot weather, is excessive for most trees. We see many people coming in with trees that are over watered. The symptoms for over watering and under watering can be very similar. Unless you are used to seeing it and know what to look for it, the tree can look a lot like it isn’t receiving enough water. Don’t keep giving the tree more water as you can drown the root system and kill it with kindness.

If the tree seems to be struggling and you are not sure what is wrong, contact us with some photos of the whole tree and close ups of the leaves.


We prefer to allow the tree to settle in before applying fertiliser – the cow manure and soil improver will give it some nutrients. A good feed in early autumn for trees that have been in for a couple of months is always beneficial. Troforte is our preferred slow release fertiliser. It has a balanced fertiliser at its core, coated with lots of trace elements and minerals, then covered in water activated soil microbes. Great for the soil and the tree.

Remember that if you have any concerns with your trees please contact us

Please note that this is intended as general information only. Please ask one of our qualified horticulturists for more specific advice for your situation.

Why not try planting some bagged-trees for yourself?