More Trees in Less Space

Many people bemoan the fact that they only have a small garden. Perhaps you are living in a rental property and can’t plant trees into the garden. Or with apartment living, outdoor space is limited to a balcony or terrace area. A lack of garden space is no reason to go without productive trees.

There are many miniature and dwarf varieties that don’t take up a lot of room. They will add height and structure to the garden, as well as shade, colour and flower. These smaller varieties still produce full sized fruit without needing the space of a full-sized tree. Many will also grow well in pots.

Some fruit trees, such as apples and stone fruit, need two trees for cross pollination. Planting one tree may be seem possible, but many people throw their hands in the air and give up at the thought of two trees. The good news is that there’s more than one way to plant a fruit tree. The trick is to plant two bare root trees in the same hole in the garden or in the same pot.

Duo Planting Technique:

  • Prepare the planting hole the same way as you would for any bare root tree. (See ourbare root tree planting guidefor full details). If planting into a pot (such as a half wine barrel or 80cm wide pot), fill about half the container with quality potting mix.
  • After selecting two compatible trees, place them about 150mm apart in the prepared hole.
  • Prune any branches that will intersect and backfill the hole as you would for a single bare root specimen.
  • Water them in well and keep the soil moist but not wet.

The trees should flourish and produce a bountiful crop for you to enjoy.

Duo planting 2
Duo planting 1

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